What it takes to get your spaces de-cluttered, organized, and ready to stay that way.
45 Minutes
1 Visit & “Guesstimate”
No Commitment
Bring me on-site. Learn how I can help control the clutter and organize your space.
This helps us make the most of our time working together but is not required to book organizing services.
$25 will be applied toward any future working hours.
Ready to DIY but don’t know where to start? Bring me in to construct a written game plan. I’ll include links to specific product suggestions, sketches for your carpenter and full instructions on how to execute our vision. Includes follow-up, via email, phone or video chat, as needed.
90 Minutes
1 Space Assessment w/ Written Plan
Let’s de-clutter, organize, purge, and develop a system to maximize your spaces!
2 Hour Minimum – Inside The Loop
3 Hour Minimum – Houston Suburbs
100% Hard Work
100% Awesome
Extra hands available for large projects at a discounted rate
100% Bargain Shopper
Discounts available at:
The Container Store
Crate & Barrel
The Land of Nod
Mark & Graham
Pottery Barn
Restoration Hardware
west elm
William Sonoma Home